Why call your website Light leaks

Why call your website Light leaks

People often ask me about why I call the site Light Leaks well this is a good example, The shot is called NYC On Fire. The city is not actually on fire but light is getting in through the back of the camera as I bent the film back slightly while loading a film and the...
Travelwide by Wanderlust 4×5 Camera

Travelwide by Wanderlust 4×5 Camera

The above image was taken using the Wanderlust Travelwide, This is a great 4x5 camera as it is light and compact for a 4x5. It was funded by a Kickstarter campaign but it seems due to the problems the guy’s encounted they seem to have called it a day! which is a...


Redscale ‘LIGHTS’ Taken with a Lomography LCA+ Wide using Rollei Redbird you can view more of my photos HERE Red Scale Film : Wikipedia Says : edscale is a technique of shooting photographic film where the film is exposed from the wrong side, i.e. the...
Found 35mm and APS Films!

Found 35mm and APS Films!

Here we have two images that I found on a couple of rolls of film I found in a draw. The bubble image was taken with a Minox 35 using Kodak 200 Colour Film. The Barber image was taken with Canon EOS IX using Fuji APS film. You can view more of my photos HERE APS Film...
Hipstamatic Pinhole

Hipstamatic Pinhole

The above images are taken with an iPhone 6 using the Hipstamatic app and the new pinhole pack! It’s a great pack and it is available in the app store. You can visit their web page HERE The hipstamatic app is a great adittion to your iphone it has a wide ranges...
Diana Dreamer Lomo Camera

Diana Dreamer Lomo Camera

This is an image taken on a Diana Dreamer camera with 120 Kodak film. It is cross-processed as it was an E6 film and it was put through C41 chemistry. You can see more of my photos HERE Here is what Wikipedia say’s about the camera : The Diana camera is a...