These two images were taken with the Lomo LC-A 120 using Fuji RVP100F. They were taken on April 22nd 2014 in Nice, France. The LC-A 120 is a fully automatic 6×6 120 camera that uses zone focusing. It is a fantastic pocket sized compact camera (if you have slighty larger pockets than normal!) that you can carry anywhere. It also has an MX switch for multiple exposures and a bulb setting for long exposures.
The trip to Nice was part of a cruise arranged for my 50th birthday
Shoot Ultra-Vibrant Wide Angle Photos
Equipped with the 38mm f/4.5 Minigon Lens (equivalent to a 21mm lens on 35mm camera) and made out of premium glass, the LC-A 120 takes stunning medium format square photos.
Think Fast, Shoot Faster!
Take amazing photos quicker than your mind can fathom thanks to programmatic automatic exposure and 4 step zone focusing (exactly like the classic LOMO LC-A+) with a closest focusing distance of 0.6m.
The Pocket Perfect 120 Camera
LC-A 120 is small enough to stuff in your bag, fit in a kangaroo’s pouch or simply carry in your hand and take everywhere you go – this compact companion really is ready for shooting at all times!
Create Easy Multiple Exposures
Shoot stunning multiple exposures with the simple slide of a switch. Using the multiple exposure function on the camera, you can expose the same square you are shooting as many times as you like
Maximum ISO Control
Allowing you to pick your ISO anywhere from 100 to 1600 meaning you can use lots of different types of film
Effortless Long Exposures
Go for long streaky light exposures using a tripod and cable release thread for extra precision!
Experiment with Accessories
Adaptable with many accessories such as a cable release, hot shoe flash and tripod.
Uses 120 Film
The LC-A 120 shoots all kinds of 120 film. There are loads of choices available!